Scoping Report on Potential Finance Mechanisms and Blended Finance Options for the NIMPA

NNF, in partnership with Blue Marine Foundation, have conducted an initial scoping exercise for sustainable financing options for the NIMPA. The purpose of this report is to inform the reader on the status of financing within the MPA and identify future, long-term financing options.

This comprehensive scoping report, authored by experts from the Namibia Nature Foundation and the Blue Marine Foundation, explores various finance mechanisms and blended finance options to ensure the sustainable management of the Namibian Islands Marine Protected Area (NIMPA). Covering traditional and innovative financing methods, the report assesses the applicability of each within the Namibian context, reviews current financial flows, and identifies future, long-term financing strategies. The document is essential for policymakers, conservationists, and financial stakeholders interested in marine protection and sustainable financing.

Suggested Citation: Namibia Nature Foundation. 2024. Scoping report on the potential finance mechanisms and blended finance options for the Namibian Islands Marine Protected Area. Namibia Nature Foundation. Windhoek, Namibia.

Key Sections:

• Introduction to MPAs and the NIMPA
• Assessment of MPA financing needs at the local level
• Resource mobilisation strategies at the national level
• Evaluation of various finance mechanisms, including government budgets, ODA, project finance, marine improvement districts, crowdfunding, debt instruments, and nature markets
• Recommendations for sustainable financing


• Detailed analysis of current financial flows and costs for NIMPA management
• Examination of innovative financing mechanisms like debt-for-nature swaps, blue bonds, and biodiversity credits
• Strategic recommendations for long-term sustainable financing

This report is a crucial resource for anyone involved in marine conservation and financing, providing in-depth insights and practical recommendations for sustainable financial management of MPAs.

Scoping Report on Potential Finance Mechanisms and Blended Finance Options for the NIMPA

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