Recommendations for monitoring chondrichthyans in the Namibian Islands Marine Protected Area
The Namibia’s Rays and Sharks project (2022-2024) has addressed some of these baseline needs, but more research and monitoring are required, especially in parts of the NIMPA not covered by the NaRaS project, in order to identify critical habitats and to understand the complete array of chondrichthyan species inhabiting the MPA. Only once this information is available can appropriate management actions be developed.
The Namibia’s Rays and Sharks project (2022-2024) has addressed some of these baseline needs, but more research and
monitoring are required, especially in parts of the NIMPA not covered by the NaRaS project, in order
to identify critical habitats and to understand the complete array of chondrichthyan species
inhabiting the MPA. Only once this information is available can appropriate management actions be